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Valentine Likhachev
Valentine Likhachev

How to Download and Install Qt Online Installer for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Download the Qt installer from its official download site at -qt-installer.The site should detect that your computer is running Windows and recommend "Qt Online Installer for Windows". Click the green "Download" button to download the installer.

The Qt installer will walk you through a set of steps. For most steps, you can use the default settings and simply click "Next" or "Agree" to move on, with the following exceptions:

download qt online installer

In the online installer, you can select commercial or open source versions of Qt, tools, and Add-On components to install. Using the online installer requires signing in to your Qt Account. The installer retrieves the license attached to the account from a server and provides a list of available components corresponding to the license.

An offline installer is a single package that contains all of Qt and Add-Ons relevant for a target platform. Users with a commercial license can either sign in with their Qt account or with their Qt license key during the installation process. The license key is available in the Qt Account Web portal.

To run the installer, you need a Qt Account. You can use your Qt Account credentials to sign-in to all Qt services, including the forums and wiki. If you do not already have a Qt Account, you can create one during the installation process.

Hi, so I wanted to try to use the Qt open source version, but I cannot for the life of me find the online download. I have been going around in circles for about 30 minutes and any videos I watch about it have a download button that just isn't there for me. Am I missing something? I am signed in and am set to a individual developer.

I downloaded the .exe installer from but it asks me to login to continue to install. I recall there is a skip button on the installation window to bypass the login in the past Qt releases. Does not Qt 5.12.11 allow to install without an account? I disconnect the network connection but the skip button never appears.

You could use the old "qt-unified-online-installer", where you still couldskip the login, to install a newer Qt version!The latest installer version, where this is possible (as far as I know) is the version 2.0.5-2.

Unfortunately,, in their wisdom, decided to remove the Windows and MacOS online installers from their download mirrors, but at least a slightly older version for Windows can still be found via Google, search for "qt-unified-windows-x86-2.0.2-online.exe".Here's a link for direct download that I've found (06/2023), but I didn't test it on Windows!

Now run the installer, skip the login, and when you are on the "Welcome" page, press "Settings" and go to the "Repositories" tab.Disable all "Default repositories" and select "User defined repositories"(must be selected!!).Then press the "Add" button to add your own Qt repositories, dependingon what version you want to install, e.g. for Qt 5.15.2 on Linux, add thesefive Linux repositories:

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Then press "OK", repeat skipping the login page and press "Next", now the installer should load all data needed to install the newer Qt version, and you are able to select what package you want to install. :-)

Qt Designer is available on PyPi via the pyqt5-tools package. This can be pip installed just like any other Python package.This wrapper will download and install Qt Designer for you and provide a command-line launcher to start the program.

Qt Designer is available in the installation packages for Qt available from the Qt downloads page. Download and run the appropriate installer for your system and follow the platform-specific instructions below. Installing Qt Designer will not affect your Python PyQt5/6 or PySide2/6 installation.

Qt Designer is not mentioned in the Windows Qt installer, but is automatically installed when you install any version of the Qt core libraries. For example, in the following screenshot we've opted to install the MSVC 2017 64-bit version of Qt -- what you choose will have no effect on your Designer install.

Qt Designer is not mentioned in the macOS Qt installer, but is automatically installed when you install any version of the Qt core libraries. Download the installer from the Qt website -- you can opt for the open source version.

Then execute fbs installer. On Windows, you need to install NSIS first and place it on your PATH. On Linux, you need fpm. But once you have these prerequisites, fbs will magically create your installer. Congratulations!

Qt Designer normally ships as a part of Qt Creator.This is Qt's official editor and lets you do a lot more than just graphically design user interfaces. It is a full-fledged and very powerful C++ IDE. This power comes ata price however: The download for Qt Creator is gigabytes insize!

This page was created for people who only need Qt Designer.The download links here contain minimal, self-containedinstallers of just Qt Designer that are orders of magnitudesmaller. Here they are again:

"6. Qt 5.8 is shipped as a online installer, suitable for 10.7+. Download, open the DMG and run the online installer. By default it will install Qt 5.8 in your home directory. To build any 2.x version of MuseScore, you need Qt 5.4.2 though."

Actually, you can install any recent-ish version using the online installer - the one our compile instructions specifically say to use. Fire up the online installer and it shows you a whole list of things you can download, including Qt 5.4.2.

"6. Download the Qt online installer 3.0 (not 5.8???) (OS 10.7+). Do not install the latest version of Qt. Install only version Qt 5.4.2, as newer versions currently exhibit bugs when compiling MuseScore. Below we refer to the version name of the installer, 5.8, but you will be running Qt 5.4.2."

You might also want to say something about having to open an account at Qt and sign up for a 30 day trial in order to download Qt. I have Qt version 2.1 installed on my machine from 2011, and at that time Qt could be downloaded directly from the web. Obviously things have changed a little since then.

The Qt installer version is entirely separate from the Qt you'll install, we have no control over the version and it quite frankly doesn't even matter. The point still stands that you need the online installer to be able to install Qt5.8; therefor it *is* the way that it is shipped.

Nope. It's not shipped "as an installer". It's shipped *via* an installer (as I see you have now in fact changed the text to read). There is a huge difference between "as" and "via". "As" was dead wrong, so why do you pretend to be correcting me here?

Why is "suitable for 10.7+" still there? If Qt provides no system requirement information, why is MuseScore claiming compatibility which is demonstrably false? If MuseScore development is depending on a Qt installer whose version doesn't matter, then you should strike the reference to OS compatibility altogether and let the burden fall on Qt.

Installing directly this way is not recommended, the process that we have developed for the build and for keeping versions up to date and for allowing side-by-side versions is really optimized to work with the online installer. I'm not saying it's impossible to get it to work another way, so feel free to explore that territory and document the steps if it turns out to lead to a successful build for you. But I think we'd rather one consistent set of steps that is known to work similarly across supported platforms.

"Installing directly this way is not recommended, the process that we have developed for the build and for keeping versions up to date and for allowing side-by-side versions is really optimized to work with the online installer."

Since the downloader app crashes immediately on earlier versions of OSX, direct download links should be there. I suppose you could consider deliberately shutting out everyone who isn't able to use the downloader app. (It's always easier to just tell people they have to upgrade.)

You are the first to report an issue with the Qt installer on older unsupported OS's, so we had no way of knowing wouldn't work. As mentioned, you should report it to Qt. But our own resources are too limited to support every older OS version out there.

I left it in because:A./ I don't develop on a mac, don't have once and can't verify the truthfulness of that statement.B./ We depend on more libraries than just QtC./ If Qt were to fix its installer (which obviously at one point in time did work on 10.7) that statement would remain true.

You are the first user to note/mention that apparently the Qt-installer no longer works on that version, which is a good reason to adjust it. The developer handbook is a wiki-style document; you are free (and encouraged!) to update it with your experience. Especially on the point of incompatibilities.

It is of course frustrating to try to help, to be led to believe that setting things up will just take a few simple steps, and then find that at almost every step the instructions are wrong. I'm glad to be able to help correct them, and have added direct download links to Qt.


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