Mauser Bayonets
The wartime M1916 bayonets included a number of variants among which Belgium made no distinction. Bayonets of conventional construction, with the crosspiece pinned to the tang (visually identified by the tang meeting the crosspiece at a right angle), were conversions of earlier M1889 bayonets. The hooked lower crosspiece was deleted and the blade replaced. This probably accounts for the relative scarcity of M1889 bayonets today.
mauser bayonets
Blades were either of a flattened cruciform profile or T-back blades salvaged from French M1874 Gras bayonets. Blade length was 450 mm. Many, including this example, were subsequently shortened during rework. The scabbard has been shortened by cutting off the lower portion and neatly brazing a cap on the end.
Pre-War bayonets had metal in the white, with a blued scabbard. Post-War customers were offered different finish options (e.g., phosphate, paint over phosphate, blued). FN produced Mauser military rifles for export into the late1950s.
This example was manufactured post-War for Belgium. Little is known of their manufacture and use. The maker is unknown, but is believed to be Belgian. The bayonet exhibits better finishing than most British No. 4 Mk. II* bayonets. The period of manufacture is believed to be late-1940s or early-1950s.
The Belgians received Lee-Enfield No. 4 rifles and bayonets after Belgium was liberated in September 1944. The Belgian Army transitioned to the FN Model 1949 rifle beginning in 1951. However, the Rijkswacht (Gendarmerie) used the No. 4 rifle into at least the 1960s.
FN constructed the socket by forging upper and lower halves using a drop hammer. Hot metal was poured in between the halves, to make the complete blank, which was machined to create the tubular socket. The sprue line is evident in the pictures at left. The earlier FAL Type C bayonets had a one-piece drawn socket.
The S84/98 III was the last production of the S84/98 German bayonets. It originates from the 1871/1884 bayonet the first ever standard issue rifle bayonet for any army which was adopted in the German Empire for use with the 1871/1884 rifle.[3] This was a modification of the Mauser Model 1871 the first Mauser rifle which fit it with a 8-round tubular magazine designed by Alfred von Kropatschek.[4] This was the first repeating rifle of the German armed forces although it was quickly replaced by the Gewehr 1888 made in response to the Lebel Model 1886 rifle the first rifle to use smokeless powder.[5] The first pattern of S84/98 or M1884/98 bayonet was the 1871/1884 bayonet adapted so it could be used on the Gewehr 98.[3] This was replaced in service by the 1898/05 bayonet. However during World War I the S84/98 began to be produced again under the designation S84/98 II.[3] The German Imperial Army used this bayonet in World War I as a way of conserving scarce resources.[3] The S84/98 III was production of the S84/98 bayonet during the late Weimar period and during the time of Nazi Germany.[1]
Bayonets is one of the most popular weapons among militaria collectors. Bayonets was a key weapon during the infantry attacks from the 17th century to the trenchs of the WW1. On this page, you will find a selection of various rare bayonets available online, and also a selection of more common models. You are a fan of the US WW1 M1917 bayonet ? You collect all German militaria, like the WW2 K92 or K98 Mauser combat bayonets ? We also have some nice German bayonets from Robert Klaas in Erfurt. You prefer the famous bayonets from the French Tirailleurs or Legion Etrangere ? You want a British WW1 Bayonet with Scabbard ? Well you are on the right, place, we display more than 300 of them on this page. Click on the "Next page" button to see more common items.
The K98 bayonet is a very sought-after bayonet like all other WW2 German bayonets. The real name of the K98 bayonet is the SS84/98 III bayonet but it is often called "K98 bayonet" because this SS84/98 III bayonet was given to German soldiers with their K98 carbine (K meaning Karabiner in German). This bayonet has been mass-produced by the German army before and during WW2. Its blade has a length of 252 millimeters. It was also called M1884-98 III bayonet.
WW1 bayonets are very popular among collectors. These last ones seek particularly the famous models of the German, English, American and French armies. Bayonets played a key role in WW1 during hand-to-hand combat in the trenches. They are beautiful military items with a history and we have selected the most interesting models for you on this page.
Of course, it is perfectly legal to buy a WW1 and WW2 bayonet. You can even buy it from a foreign seller. As these items are not explosive, they can legally be sent by regular mail. The sellers we have selected are used to sending vintage bayonets by mail to customers all over the world. It is also legal to purchase a modern bayonet and receive it by mail.
Each type of bayonet used during WW1 has a different length. The British Army Pattern 1907 had a 450mm blade. The French Rosalie bayonet had a blade that measured between 34 and 40cm. The US Army used the M1917 with a 17 inch (43 cm) blade. Finally, the German army's G98 bayonets measured between 25 and 40 cm. A long bayonet is easier to hit your opponent in hand-to-hand combat but is more difficult to handle.
Italian Surplus BM59 / AR70 Bayonet with Scabbard. These bayonets are closely patterned after the M1 Carbine bayonets but feature the enlarged muzzle ring for the BM59's flash hider. In very good cond..
Turkish M1 Garand / Mauser Ersatz Bayonet. These bayonets are interesting historical items, being that they started life as German WWI Ersatz Mauser bayonets. Following Germany's defeat, many of these..
One Turkish M1 Garand bayonet and scabbard. These bayonets were converted from Turkish Mauser bayonets and no longer are able to fit the Mauser. Condition is fair, expect minor dents in scabbard, ligh..
Mauser bayonet, Berg&Co. 1937 year of issue. Not matching set by serial numbers on the scabbard and the blade. Most probably the scabbard changed few bayonets. Good condition with traces of hard use, but no rust. The scabbard marked P.Weyersberg 1938.
In excellent condition we have an extremely rare and seldom seen bym coded (Machinenhaus Ferlach, Austria) made K98k bayonet that is all matching and a mint gfg42 (Carl Hepptig) frog. This is a d top condition example of a very rare and seldom seen maker. Of note the date is on top of the spine which was common on earlier production bayonets from all markers. Absolutely one of the rarest and most difficult bayonet codes to locate!
The following is a list of the articles captured: 7,500 ball cartridges, 7 millimeter clips, Mauser; 2,000 ball cartridges, Remington; 52 belts, Mauser rifles; 45 bayonets and scabbards for same; 64 cartridges boxes, Remington, 45 leather belts, Remington; 60 bayonet scabbards, Remington; 52 Mauser rifles, 3 swords, 62 Remington rifles, 4 Spanish flags. 041b061a72