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Grupo de Análise de Mercado

Público·191 membros

Carter Walker
Carter Walker

Amd Radeon Ramdisk 4.6 Serial Number Key

At the second stage of the boot process, the u-boot main program is executed. U-boot first looks for a custom environment stored at a reserved space on the microSD or eMMC module, or falls back to the compile time default environment if needed. At this time, you can interrupt the automatic boot process by pressing a key on your serial console, which starts an interactive u-boot shell. The u-boot variable called bootdelay specifies the number of seconds to wait for a keypress before continuing automatic boot.

amd radeon ramdisk 4.6 serial number key

When we need to actually put things on the SD card, be careful with dd it can and will wipe your hard disk if you make a mistake. In my case I had an SD card reader so I set things to point at that slot only by using the by-id links from udev. These by-id links which include the serial number which helped to avoid mistakes. The following commands assume you have done the same and are using by-id links.


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