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Grupo de Análise de Mercado

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Valentine Likhachev
Valentine Likhachev

JQuery For Total Noobs Vol. 1: 6 Adding JavaScript

To use version agnostic URLs for Webjars, add the webjars-locator-core dependency.Then declare your Webjar.Using jQuery as an example, adding "/webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js" results in "/webjars/jquery/x.y.z/jquery.min.js" where x.y.z is the Webjar version.

jQuery for Total Noobs Vol. 1: 6 Adding JavaScript

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Martin- this is just so UBERKOOL ! This is def THEE best ajax/jquery cart I have seen - I had seen one which I thought was nicely built- but this ? This is like so Buck Rogers man, it def belongs in the future ! This totally ROX !Awesome :)

So,1) in the head of the "demo" file make sure you include the jquery plugin2) crack open the script.js file. Go to line 152 and right below put this statement: $('#total').formatCurrency();Should be good to go after that. Here's what my update_total() looks like:


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