[S3E16] The Best Man
Number of times Rory or Lorelai treat their bff like shit:I'm happy to report that Rory is a great friend to Paris, who is slowly moving into best friend territory. She's non-judgmental, empathetic, and doesn't even yell at her for revealing that Rory is a virgin on national television. I give Rory a lot of shit for being a clueless brat, but she demonstrates some admirable qualities in this episode.
[S3E16] The Best Man
The thing that killed him, even more than the Lorelai/Max nonsense, was Sookie's pregnancy reveal and Jackson's reaction. "This motherfucker wants four kids in four years and is just now doing the math? Kids are expensive, dipshit." Instead of reacting with glee after Sookie finds out she's pregnant, Jackson spends days ignoring her, crunching numbers, and making insane demands. He wants Sookie to switch out all of her knives for plastic and throws away all the prescription drugs in the house. Can we all agree he's the dumbest person in Stars Hollow?
After signing papers in a sitting area of Herarat Aviation, Ethan and Richard ask Juliet if they can record her vitals. Richard empties a packet of powder into a glass of orange juice quite openly and when Juliet warily asks what it is, he calmly states it's a tranquilizer. Ethan says it's for the best because the journey ahead will be "pretty intense," and seeing that Juliet is balking, Richard reminds her that if she works for them, she can accomplish great things to help many people and that she has already accepted a lot of unusual requests.
He leads everyone in a round of applause for Kimberly, which is rudely interrupted by Bulk and Skull, who burst in dressed like twin Uncle Sams. Bulk tries his best to make his speech, but Skull stumbles around behind him with a drum strapped to his back, making entirely too much of a racket for the bully to get a word in edgewise.
And then, to really solidify themselves as just the dumbest, they let Meredith open the door to the basement, AND THEN THEY WALK IN FIRST AND LET MEREDITH CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND THEM, THUS TRAPPING THEM IN THE MURDER BASEMENT.
So Buck decides to go out on his own, and it was probably the best thing that could have happened to him. While at the bar, Buck meets an elderly ex-firefighter named Red who seems down and filled with regrets about how his life has turned out.
? What exactly did I watch?? It was bad enough to get used to the change of actors for three main roles, but this episode was insane. The best character on this show is Dong-Mi. Her craziness is what has kept me watching. If they kill off Dong-Ma, I will not be watching season 4. There are at least two others they could kill off that would be so much better, Boo for one or A Mi or Ga bin. Please get rid of the dumb reapers and either bring Won back or let her go already. The only ghost that made any sense was Dr. Shin coming after Dong-Mi, it was fun to watch her lose it. Overall, the last episode was a huge let down. Too much air time given to subplots that made no sense.
Spies are in the law-breaking business. Call it espionage, covert ops, whatever you like. When you get right down to it, you're a criminal working for a good cause. When your job involves daily law breaking, chances are you're going to find yourself on the wrong end of a manhunt at some point. It's hard to get used to the ideal that doing the right thing can mean being public enemy number one. The good news is you're usually too busy trying to survive to get upset. The best thing is to get away, deal with the situation, and hope people are in a forgiving mood.
Ross comes over to give the ring to Chandler, which causes problems with Joey, as he expected to be the best man at Ross' wedding. When Chandler tries to solve it by offering Joey to be the best man on his wedding, he comes in problems with Ross, who also wants that position. Ross decides that Joey will be his best man, leading to problems with Chandler, him even asking Gunther to be his best man. Joey organizes a bachelor party for Ross, but of course he has to sleep with the stripper after the party. Worse is that the ring is gone when he wakes up. The guys immediately suspect the stripper, but when they invite her to Chandler's office under a false name, it turns out that she wasn't the one who stole the ring. The only other person that has been in Joey's room was the duck, so they take him to the vet and it turns out that he actually swallowed it. Joey wants to step back as the best man because he screwed up, but Ross wants them both to be his best men, telling them that he's lucky to have both of them, which causes all three of them to get emotional.
Margolis demands that Phillips tell him what is going on at the hotel. Phillips tries to deny knowing anything, but Margolis is sure he knows something. He has seen armed people outside the hotel and noticed that every door is locked. Phillips tells him that they are federal agents dealing with a problem. Margolis wants to know more, but Phillips says that he can only tell him what he knows, which isn't any more than he has already revealed and the federal agents have the authority to keep them there. Margolis is visibly shaken and asks what they are supposed to do. Phillips tells him to stay calm and hope for the best. Margolis leaves the room and runs around the basement trying different exits.
Cristina joins Alex, Izzie, and George, who are watching Derek and Mark from the other side of the double doors. Cristina needs some time to let it sink in. Izzie insists that Meredith will get through this. George isn't so sure. Izzie believes Meredith will get through this. She believes in the good. It's been a hell of a year, and despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, she believes they will all be okay. Izzie believes that Denny is always with her, and that the calories don't count if no one sees her eating a tub of butter. Surgeons who prefer staples over stitches are lazy, and she also believes George made a terrible mistake marrying Callie. She believes she can tell him that because they are best friends, and she also believes he will be okay despite his mistake. Izzie believes that believing they will survive is what makes them survive. Izzie hugs Cristina.
This is part of a bi-weekly series concerning the characterization of Buffyverse characters. The first installment in this series can be found here. Arguably the best place to begin reading this series is at the beginning, but that is up to each reader. As a reminder this column will cover major and some minor characters from the shows Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) and Angel (1999-2004). Other Buffyverse media, such as the graphic novel Spike: Into The Light (2014) are not pertinent to this series. Also there will be no referencing real world events in this bi-weekly series. 041b061a72