Crack Para Diablo 3 Beta [BETTER]
ive completely flagged Diablo 3 , 1:> the price. The price didnt match what i saw for a start,at the end of it all it offers barely anything more than torchlight 2, it offers LESS, i can completely create my own character in torchlight 2 and i have an awesome companion that transforms into what he eats !!!! 2:> The beta made me feel i was playing a Kingdoms of amalur hack and slash game in topdown view, not a real gritty extreme savage world that diablo 2 was. I didnt get the feeling of the harsh environments Diablo 2 had, The blood and gore and twisted evil diablo 2 was, is what i was after and i found Diablo 3 just wasnt that. It was kind of like a pretty cartoony version. The pacing was a bit off in Diablo 3 also. 3:> no offline mode so i cant just have fun offline. Thats a complete deal breaker. I either get a crack for that game or i wont be playing it , its that simple.
Crack Para Diablo 3 Beta
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