Day Of The Dead Torrent
As a zombie aficionado is it impossible to not have watched the Romero zombie movies, especially as they are such big milestones in the zombie genre. And also as they are the zombie movies that has the most heart put into it, no pun intended.This 1985 movie, directed by George A. Romero, is the third of zombie movies in his lineage of zombie storytelling. And it continues with the usual bleak world overrun by the living dead. Society has collapsed and the world is in disarray, with small clusters of people struggling for survival. But it is not the threat of the living dead that proves the only danger is the new dying world.Romero does a great job at telling the story he has in mind, and it is presented in a very enjoyable manner, which makes his movies quite entertaining and watchable.The story in the 1985 movie "Day of the Dead" is about a group of soldiers and scientists who have barricaded themselves in an underground bunker facility. Here they try to survive the dying world around them. Some scientists are studying the living dead in order to understand more about them and to control them, a study which does not sit well with the armed military forces.Granted that this movie is from 1985, so the special effects and zombie make-up is a bit outdated by today's standards. But it still works fine though, and the effects are still believable. But in the Romero movies it is not the special effects that drive the movie, it is the story and the characters; the special effects just help to progress the story and add a visual imagery to the dying world.The acting in "Day of the Dead" was quite good, and there is a very memorable gallery of characters in the movie. And there was even a very memorable zombie known as Bub. And they had managed to cast some good talents to portray the various role and characters. I must admit that I was surprised to find out that special effects master Greg Nicotero was in the movie.I assume that you are already familiar with this 1985 classic zombie movie if you are a fan of the zombie genre. If you are not, shame on you, then it is about due time that you get around to watching it. In fact, watch all the Romero zombie movies, as they are important to the zombie genre.I have watched "Day of the Dead" several times, as I have with all of Romeros movies, and it can sustain multiple viewings, because the story is so well-written and executed on the screen."Day of the Dead" receives a seven out of ten stars from me. This is a good, wholesome zombie movie.
Day of the Dead torrent
This final chapter in Romero's dead trilogy follows a logical progression and surmises that most of human society is now dead, a victim of the zombie plague. Only a few small pockets of survivors are alive - and the film concentrates on the actions of one of these groups. Once again the emphasis is on human confrontation, as well as the zombies, just like in the other two films. However this time the confrontation between the survivors makes up the brunt of the film, and indeed most of the running length consists of people shouting and arguing.Many people dislike this film and the general consensus is that it's the worst of Romero's zombie trilogy. This may be true, but it's still miles ahead of much modern fare and remains an engrossing, frightening and disturbing film. The SFX are again expertly crafted by Tom Savini, and are the best of the trilogy (apart from the zombie makeup, which looks slightly 'cartoonish' and is a disappointment after the silly yet effective blue-faced makeup in DAWN OF THE DEAD), with plenty of spraying blood. The gore content is liberal, with guts falling from stomachs to slop on the ground, arms being cut off, you name it. Most of the grue is saved for the finale where a bunch of hostile and moronic army types find themselves on the main course for the marauding hordes. We've got head burstings, eyeball rippings and for the piece de resistance, a man has his legs ripped off and screams "choke on 'em, choke on 'em!". It's all very horrible and bloody yet stays in the memory long after viewing - a mark of success for Savini and his crew.The characters in the film are pretty much one dimensional, and there is little characterisation. Out of the twelve survivors, only three are given any real depth - the heroine, the Irishman and the Jamaican - and the rest of the cast are either caricatures (in the case of Dr Logan) or merely being set up as zombie bait. Saying that, the acting is at least as professional as that in DAWN OF THE DEAD, and probably better. One character that stands out from the rest is Rhodes, played with manic relish by Joe Pilato. He's the one who delivers the best lines and comes across as a dedicated character - even if he's ruthless, arrogant and murderous with it.DAY OF THE DEAD is a savage film, full of nightmarish images (the hands coming out of the wall at the beginning is a classic moment), ruined only by the decision to have zombies dressed up - as clowns, etc. which totally destroys any element of horror - it merely looks stupid. Also, there is a total lack of comic relief, and the film is thoroughly downbeat and depressing. This invites the viewer to sometimes laugh instead of scream, always a bad sign. However there are still some moments of genius, such as having a zombie, Bub, who actually becomes a kind of hero. DAY OF THE DEAD may not be a perfect film, but at least give it one thing: it's never boring.
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La-La Land Records and Taurus Entertainment present the remixed, remastered and expanded 2-CD release of composer John Harrison's original motion picture score to George A. Romero's 1985 genre classic DAY OF THE DEAD, starring Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Joe Pilato, Richard Liberty and Howard Sherman, and written/directed by George A. Romero. Composer Harrison's driving synth score expertly propels the living dead, while also supporting the main characters' emotional and dramatic journeys. Unexpected, but highly effective reggae-like tones and melodic motifs add a unique personality to this beloved genre score. Produced by John Harrison and Ford A. Thaxton, remixed by Michael Farrow and mastered by James Nelson, this deluxe edition of DAY OF THE DEAD, limited to 3000 units, features the film version of the score on Disc One, and the remastered original 1985 soundtrack cues on Disc Two. Exclusive, in-depth liner notes from film music writer Jeff Bond, composer John Harrison and writer/director George A. Romero round out the delightfully ghoulish art design by Mark Banning.
November 1 is coming, holiday of all saints and national holiday in Spain. The party of the dead in Ibiza is celebrated in a special way, as in the whole country and in many other parts of the world -see Halloween in the United States, whose carnival spirit has also been introduced in Europe, or the famous Mexican Day of the Dead-.
In the Pitiüses Islands, the tradition surrounding the night of the dead is closely linked to gastronomy. Formerly it was celebrated the day before (October 31) and the following two days. For that day, families clean the cemeteries and put fresh flowers on the dead. According to tradition, the day before November 1 was the day when the spirits of the deceased returned home to share that day with their relatives.
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This first trickle of what would become a virtual torrent of emigrating saints crossing the seas to America began in 1840. The first mission in 1837-38, under the leadership of Heber C. Kimball, had given no instructions about emigration to the some 1,600 converts. But with the advent of the apostolic mission to the British Isles the brethren began to actively encourage the members to gather to Zion. Before the end of the century, some 45,000 new converts from Britain and Scandinavia emigrated. Most of the British converts would emigrate, so much so that for some 50 years the Church membership was predominately British.
"Tuesday 19 Dec. 1854. The ordinance was administered to my wife and children. The measles made their appearance on Mary this day and I was kept so busy attending my wife and children up to the 31 Dec. 1854 that I could not take an observation of our travels when at 1/2 1 o'clock on the 31st, my child, Mary departed this life, and Brother Gibson's child, Elisabeth, died 1/4 11 o'clock on the 29 and both the children was sewed up in a bag and let into the sea at 1/2 2 o'clock. A very little after they died I may say that no one could know my feelings upon that occasion except a father. When I looked on the little ones laid side by side and then sewed up in a bag to be put in the sea . . . my heart was pained to see them thrown in the sea though I looked forward to a day when the sea will give up its dead. My wife was very bad at the time and continued very bad and weak for the want of food . . . but she has got over it and is now getting strong again and my daughter, Janet, is now very well and I rejoice in the goodness of the Lord to me and family while there has been a great deal of death on board the ship. . . . "6